No, Virginia, Jaime is Not a Proud Anti-Hero

I haven’t shot off my mouth on WordPress lately. Y’all miss me?

Today I’m going to talk about this somehow widespread idea of Jaime having kept quiet about the wildfire plot supposedly for “pride” or “spite,” like he’s committed a grave moral offense by not divulging the existence of the wildfire caches or, for short, I’ll call it the “Jaime Likes Being Called Kingslayer Theory.” Here is a list of reasons why this theory of Jaime’s motivations is FLAMING HOT GARBAGE.

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Lost in Translation

These are the only instances in the text thus far that give us a translation for the word “valonqar.” Both are from Cersei’s POV.

So here’s a question which I haven’t seen anyone else ask:

Why is that the only word spoken in Valyrian for each conversation?

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Putting the trebuchet in context

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED READING: my buddy Entropic Girl Reporter fields the question of “Would Jaime have really trebucheted Edmure’s baby?” and gets under the surface. A taste:

So he figures he must attack after all, and gathers his “war council,” lets them rant, hears their alternate plans, figures out more about what everyone wants, and…considers. Finally, he has heard enough to make his move. What is that move? Does he make moves to attack? No.

Jaime’s action is *to stage another mummer’s play*.

TEAL DEER version: the trebuchet threat is a show he’s putting on for Edmure. The part where he smacks Ryman Frey upside the head is part of that performance, but it’s for Edmure’s benefit, not Frey’s. The performance itself is a gamble, because the threat of trebucheting a baby is not logistically or politically feasible, no matter whether Jaime is evil enough to do it. It’s a successful gamble because Jaime puts on a tight performance.

I highly encourage you all to read the whole thing.

Up your game, Valonqarists.

Photo Apr 24, 7 40 03 PM

Some months ago, I was writing for FanSided, and one of the editors asked me to write a slideshow of 10 Game of Thrones Characters Who Will Never Die. I enjoyed the assignment entirely too much, and one of the 10 characters I chose for series survival was Brienne of Tarth.

This is a controversial opinion. I see Brienne showing up on a lot of Death Lists.

I will use BryndenBFish’s latest Tweetstorm as a jumping-off point for this argument. He’s far from the only one who expects Brienne to die in TWOW, and his reasons for putting her on the Death List are also not unique. So I’m not writing this to pick a fight with him, specifically. I just feel like, since the topic is under discussion, I will give my reasons why we don’t need to write Brienne’s obituary just yet.

Have a seat and everything will be illuminated.

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